Argo Online Wiki


Masterpiece of Nature
In the early millenniums, the humans destroyed nearly everything with their ignorance and greed. After this, nature has sorted out this worthless mankind and reclaimed its tenure back. In its infinite wisdom, our earth has reset the balance and freed itself from the impacts of the industrial civilization.

But now the humans of the old world are back, and it is up to us to fight their approach, and to save nature's newly established balance. We are one with the earth, and we, as its children, are to protect it. We are going to fight, if needed. The history must not repeat itself again.

Taurus -Gore the enemy – successfully.

The "Tauri" The "Tauri" are aggressive warriors. They get wrested from their family when they turn six years and successfully solve the "Trail of the Taurus". If they succeed, a hard and painful apprenticeship awaits them. This is one of the highest distinctions in the floresslahnian army. This infantry unit is named by the sign of the Zodiac "Taurus", which stands for strength and success. They are mainly educated in the fight with Polearms and long lances.

Defender -Loyal-to-death supporter.

To become a Defender, the applicants need to solve a very hard test which examines their clear conscience and honorable mind to save their own race and the earth. This is called "the Way of Defender". They are experts in the martial arts with long lances, but they use them for a defensive battle style to protect their own pals.

Elementarist -Chosen being of high intelligence

The Elementarist It is not possible to get educated to become an elementarist. They are selected by nature. In their early childish years, they get leaded by a mighty vision to find a hidden place. Nobody really knows, what awaits them, but children who come back from their journey feel a strong affinity to nature. They are called "Elementarists" and the spiritual masters of the Floresslah. Their defense abilities are weak, so they are fighting from the distance by using pistols which can cause serious damage to his enemies.

Warlock -A petite girl with massive fire power.

Warlocks have close similarities with Elementarists. They are petite beings, but extremely intelligent and they know their weaknesses and strengths. Warlocks will lose each melee battle, because of their low defense skills. That's why they specialized themselves in using heavy distance weapons with massive firepower.

Sagittarius -Sniper and long distance supporter.

The Sagittarius This military unit is named by the sign of the Zodiac "Saggitarius". Blessed by the "Great Centaur" these units are exceptionally gifted warriors in dealing with long distance weapons. Their defense skills and strength are weak, but snipers have a strong skill on killing enemies before the victims even get notice of it..

Rogue -A killer as confusing as lethal.

Rogues are mysterious beings. They learned over ages to become one with their environment to irritate and confuse their victims. This silenced fighter sneaks behind the enemy lines and prepares surprise attacks on short distances. They are mainly equipped with swords and pistols..

Druid -Healer with the power of reanimation.

The Druid If a member of the "Sage Circle" chooses a life as a Druid, he chooses the highest way of living in the floresslahnian philosophy. They have the power to resurrect life and heal wounds and diseases. An absolutely indispensable character in each successful party.

Shaman -A mystical, intelligent healer

The Shaman At the beginning of each academic career, all aspirants need to take a test over 10 years. After succeeding, they receive a membership from the "Sage Circle". Those who fail become expelled from their tribe and doomed to live a life alone in the woods. A member of the "Sage Circle" can choose one of two ways. The "Way of the Shaman" or the "Way of the Druid". Shamans are a hybrid class by leading the battle with summoning units and using recovery and assistance skill..

Equivalent class to Noblians ("Nooblians"):

Warrior = Taurus

Protector = Defender

Scholar = Elementalist

Bomber = Warlock

Chaser = Rogue


Paladin = Shaman

Priest = Druid
